Amazon Update: June 2014



Units Sold: 1063
Gross Sales: $12,612.13
Refunds: -$303.97
Reimbursements: $411.37
Profit (Money Banked): $5730.82
Affiliate Commissions: $532.67

Total (Banked): $6,263.30

Amazon Seller Feedback

Amazon Seller Feedback

Seller Feedback

My seller feedback is still increasing steadily. The number of positive reviews is very encouraging for me. It makes me fell like people really like my products and I am actually conduting my business in a positive manner.

Product Feedback

Amazon Product Reviews

Amazon Product Reviews

I haven’t talked too much about this before. But as I sell more on Amazon, I am beginning to learn how important getting positive reviews is for more sales. From all my products I have a total of 217 product reviews. Lately I have been giving away products for free to Amazon professional reviewers (you can see the list here). This strategy has been working very well and is giving good results. I can see my sales rank increase and also more sales coming in.

Last month I hired someone from Odesk; paid them $20 and they copied into a spreadsheet ALL the top 1000 Amazon professional reviewers names and email addresses. The best twenty bucks I’ve ever spent!

I use the mail merge feature in word to send bulk individual emails to them whenever I want some more reviews. Works like a charm.


No change here.

Amazon Brand Registry

This past month I recieved an email from Amazon asking me to join the Amazon Brand Registry. I did it, it was pretty easy. However, I haven’t seen any noticebale benefits or changes to anything in my seller account?

Frustration Free Packaging

I also had an email asking me to join the Frustration Free Packaging program (FFP). They said I had a couple of products which could be eligible. I made some enquiries and have since realised that this is not that easy to implement and they couldn’t tell me what the explicit benefits would be, so I didn’t bother joining.

New Products

It’s been awhile since I added any new products to my inventory. At this stage I have a pile of samples which I can add, but since I’m just about to go on summer holiday for 2 months, I’m going to leave it until I return. I’d really like to increase the sales from my existing product first anyway before expanding.




About Neville

Māori entrepreneur and business owner. I'm quite lazy too and love passive income. I'm striving for a super simple life, but not quite there yet. I care a lot about the world, but wish I didn't so much so that I could be more chill. I'm quite an annoying skeptic, but am always open to change my mind based on new stuff I learn :)
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